
Land Golf Club Schloss Moyland e.V.

Moyländer Allee 1, 47551 Bedburg-Hau

Land Golf CLub Schloss Moyland e.V. am Niederrhein
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About us:

Our motto is golf & fun for friends & family.

The golfcourse is located in the village of Bedburg-Hau at Niederrhein, close to the district town Kleve. It is opened the whole year. The castle Schloss Moyland, which is a museum for modern art currently, is the name origin of our club. The golfcourse, since 1986, provides a nice combination of “old” holes in the woods and newer holes in an open Niederrhein landscape course architecture.

Additional Info

  • Stadt: Bedburg-Hau
  • Erlebniskategorie: Abenteuer & Sport

  • Rheinaue erleben

    Niederstr. 3, 46459 Rees-Bienen


  • NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein e.V.

    Keekener Str. 12, 47533 Kleve

    NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein e.V. am Niederrhein
Please note: Not every entry on this website is translated, so it may be possible to find German entries. Please excuse any mistake due to translation errors or current organisational changes.

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